Try the bucket test outlined below to determine if you have a leak.
Fill the pool to the middle of the skimmer box.
Fill a bucket with pool water to about one inch from top.
Place bucket on the first or second step of the pool. Do not place the bucket on the pool deck.
Mark water level on inside of bucket and on the skimmer box.
Keep the pump running.
After 24 hours, compare the two levels. If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than the inside water level of the bucket, there is probably a leak. Try the same procedure with the pump off and take note of the results.

Doing a bucket test before a leak detection appointment will provide the technician with valuable information.
For accurate results, please ensure the following:
The pool is not in use.
Water from rooftop solar panels is fully drained back into the pool before marking the water levels.
All valves are closed.
Testing does not extend beyond the two 24hr segments.
Heater is turned off 24hrs before starting the test and while the test is in progress.